Back to the Pavilion

Back to the Pavilion, finally
Looking down the Canal
The thought of returning to my hometown had been on my mind since 2017. However, it was being delayed for one reason or another. Finally, I had to put my foot down. I went back with my son(the youngest) to my institution of employment, stayed there for a month, and then took that ONE STEP, a giant leap for me, and returned to Roorkee. Phew, eventually coming home to roost, so to speak. However, I found I had a lot of time on my hands.

One of the Four Lions of Roorkee
 For the first few days, it was fun, the relaxing from the daily routine of school. Sleeping late, getting up late, brunch instead of breakfast and then lunch. Sleep the afternoon off and in the evenings, take over the kitchen. Later, go out for an after dinner walk with the wife. The new routine was quite a relaxing stimulus after the hectic schedule of the school.
Reminiscing about the schools days, it is natural, I observed that each year a particular batch inks it feelings and mark/ departing thoughts on desks, on walls and even on the doors. If one goes through these one realises the value of these thoughts which some could not air during the time they were in school. It has become a habit at the school. I suppose, the idea was passed down from the seniors. But this year, the present batch took it up one notch higher. You can see for yourself. The ingenuity and the idea are worth it.
Could there be a better place!
One cannot but laugh at this but also a sense of anger is aroused at the destructive mentality of the pupils. What motivates them to express themselves on a door, I fail to understand? Do you? 
 However, these students found the door of their class attractive to write on. So, being budding geniuses, they at went to work on it with a marker pen.And the best (?) part is the labels stuck on the transparent glass panel in the door. An unheard usage! Was it because their parents had paid for it and they wanted to maximize the use. But not on the copies for which they were actually meant. 
In my school days, this was something that we never thought of doing. It was the education we received - to be constructive rather than destructive - we were taught to value things and that wastage was a sin. 
The other day, I was teaching in the class and I walked upto the wall on which something was scribbled. I took a click (I happened to have my camera phone with me, of course, on the sly). Wonder what the chap who wrote on this wall, was thinking? Judge for yourself.

 Recently, we celebrated Teacher's Day. The event in school, any school, is practically the same. Some entertaining (for the children) programs of song and dance, gifts, speeches extolling the work of a teacher, some personal remarks, the list goes on. Sweets distribution and finally the return to homes. The process has become tedious and just a lip service to the very concept and vision of the man who had gifted this day to the teachers of our nation. Although, if we look at the ancients, every week a day has already been dedicated to the guru - guruwaar. Yet, this is overlooked. As teachers, we have even forgotten the very essence of teaching. We have overlooked the fact that the kids we teach are the future citizens of our country, for, from among them will we have our future Prime Ministers, our Presidents, our doctors, engineers, social workers etc. etc. They will have o shoulder the responsibility of taking our nation forward. Teachers have forgotten this. 
Writing on the Wall
And Teachers' Day is the day for our retrospection. The day we should sit, and ponder deeply and ask ourselves, who we are, what are we doing, what do we want from life...... and many thoughts.....
But all the blame cannot be shouldered off on to the teachers. The system itself is to blame. If one looks at the education system here in India, and the policies framed from time to time, no mention is made of the financial returns/remunerations to be given to the teacher/guru. The formation of the NPEs (National Policy on Education) started  in 1964 and has continued till today. The NPE for 2019 has also been formulated. But, nowhere-nowhere is the remuneration/monetary compensation for the teachers is mentioned. Hence, giving a massive hole in the system for exploitation, as exploitation is the rule not the exception these days, especially in private, so called, English medium public schools. I have been witness and a participant in engaging teachers where the pay is hackled for, moving up and down the scale --- eventually settling at an amount which could not sustain a family properly. Yet, the teachers are expected to wear ties, shirts and pants, look meticulously well groomed........... Total exploitation to the hilt. Then, the guru, to make ends meet, takes tuition classes in the evenings. And they call teaching a noble profession!
Before ending this short session with my random thoughts, some food for thought:

"The end-product of education should be a free creative man, who can battle against historical circumstances and adversities of nature." - Dr. S. Radhakrishnan.
Till next time..........

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