The NDA Story - 3

Eid crowds by the Charminar in Hyderabad.Image via Wikipedia
Modern-Day Idd-Prayers

Prayers on Idul FitriImage via Wikipedia
Ye-Olde Idd-Prayers (circa 1900) 

I think reading the third part will take some patience and after the usual OH Hell ! A third part !!! But before we delve into the musings of Cadet Druv, a look around would be ideal. The exams for the seniors have finished, while the exams, according to the new CBSE rules, for the IX will soon begin by the 20th as per the given schedule. This means the teachers are hard put to work as well as the students will enjoy the r
elaxed atmosphere since the teachers will be checking the copies during the class.And the pupils....they would be relaxing. Well, that is life ! And, to beat it what could be better than the weather that we have been blessed with by the gods themselves.However, around us there is still rain and more rain.
And the festive season ! With Idd round the corner, the world seems to be agog with the thought of the pleasures of Idd announcing the end of the holy month of Ramadan.The rural population is making a beeline for the cities to make purchases for the Day. Thus festivals come and go and life goes on and on and on. . . . .

Now continuing with the musings of Cadet Dhruv:

Passing out Parade, Officers' Training Academy...Image by Ravages via Flickr
POP at IMA, Dehradun
After the WAT is over, the candidates are asked to write the following:
1. What do my parents think about me?
2. What do my teachers/seniors think about me?
3. What do my friends/colleagues think about me?
4. What do I think about myself?
5. What do I want to become in life?

The candidates are given a total of 15 minutes to answer all of the above questions. i.e. 3 minutes for each query. After all the tests are over the candidates are advised to return back to their allotted barracks.Some of them are held back for an interview. This interview is conducted either by the president or the deputy president of  the Board. The interviewing officer mainly asks questions related PIQ form and sometimes he may ask a question or two on the current topics or present a situation which the candidate is handle it to the best of his ability. For example you may be asked the best way to organise a get-together or a soccer match or some such wherein you would be able to utilize your management abilities/aptitude.
So much this time. Of course there is more to follow.
The Dream Tree By Master Verma
Before I knock off, here is a beautiful doodling which was contributed by the young Master Verma of our school. It seems he must have been sitting near a window with a tree outside. Maybe ! However, the doodle has a firmness with a sign of love being most prominent and the rest just hangin' around !
At  the of this article, there are some good links, worth logging onto. There is one explaining the reason why Muslims fast in the month of Ramadan. Another, to interesting articles on education and good topics of debates, article writing.It would be worth the try.
Well, it says it all ! With this I leave, till next time....

1 comment:

Ur honest comments will be very valuable....ur criticism will be taken with a pinch of salt and ur appreciation will be 'sar ankho par'. So. let your fingers type ur thoughts out......