The Lost Connexion


During a lifetime, one meets many of his species which inhabit this earth. There are meetings and partings. We study in school and change our friend circle when changing schools becomes the only option. Some fail and juniors become companions. During this shifting and sweepings of life the only thing which remains with us is our memories. These memories remain in our sub-conscious till something or someone triggers them awake. What follows is nothing else but pure nostalgia ! That intoxicating, exhilarating and exciting feeling that churn up your very insides. Space and time are so shortened that everything just seems as if it happened only yesterday. Sometimes, we leave etchings on places to mark the place and time of our presence at that spot.(Heaven help our heritage buildings ! ).
Peace Corps headquarters at 1111 20th Street, ...Image via Wikipedia (Peace Corps Building)
So all this happens when your are sent a phone number of a long lost school mate whom you had no inkling you would meet. Well, you call up that given number wondering what all you're going to say and ask ! Someone answers, you make sure by citing the school name of the friend, aaaannnnnnnnnnnd . . . . . . . you are greeted with a big hello and transported into the past. The naughty tricks played on you and you played on the others... being the butt of practical jokes. . . . you did that. . . . . I did this. . . had said that when she caught us on the bunk.....etc etc and the floodgates of conversation open wide..conversation ... conversation......conversation......
This is exactly what happened with me. I happened to get the phone of one-year senior-to-me Sudhir Rao. His younger Rao was one of my closest friends. First I got the sad news that Ravi Rao had expired and that too 7 years ago in a tragic car accident.Well, that did hold up the conversation,however, it continued with the other incidences that had occurred in those days. He refreshed my memories about certain incidences and I his. We recalled the time when our school had Peace Corps volunteers and they had set up a chemistry lab where the junior school staff room is today. Well, Sudhir, over-encouraged by these Americans who aroused us to do something or the other in the Chemistry lab, well. . . . . Sudhir decided to clean his hands with Hydrochloric acid. He poured the whole bottle on his right/left hand. Wow ! How we all ( the whole school-- we were only about seventeen of us) rushed to the hospital, parents called and the wounded scientist came back to the pavilion, hurt but in high spirits.
Well, the same thing is repeated time and time again,. The over-enthusiastic mates of our school decided to leave a permanent record of their school names on the table top of their desks. Have a look ! ! !  The artists are no more studting at the school, nevertheless they would recognize this work of a genius amongst them. Take a trip down memory lane once in a  while ! Its really refreshing !!!! Till next time, happy studying...
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